Thursday, February 1, 2007

Baby Cousins

Big highlight of living in Dunedin - Joel on the left and Milly on the right - the newest grandchildren. Hard to believe how quickly they change but every week there is something new to enjoy.
It's hard to measure if what you're doing is effective when working with people but a couple of things have happened recently at work that just warm your heart like the lady that came into the foodbank and declared that she was about to shoplift some groceries but something reminded her that the team at the foodbank would rather she came for help than shoplift so she left her trolley, walked out of the shop and came straight to the foodbank - that's a courageous act for someone who's in the habit of shoplifting. And then there's this man on e-bail who is well known for his wayward ways and is trying to do the right thing but is dogged by the police at every turn and he's standing tall and refusing to prove them right. I have to say I really like being in the thick of people's lives and being inspired as they are being transformed by the hand of God

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey they are cool as stories Aunty Bob. It is cool being in the thick of it again, but I miss you and all my BCMers.
What gorgeous grandkids...must be soooo fab being near enough to spend a good deal of time with them.
Anywhos, tis late and I need my beauty sleep.
Love Crin.