Sunday, November 26, 2006

'Chill Pill'

Hard to believe that in only 4 weeks we will have vacated campus and be returning to the regular world of regular houses and regular streets and regular lives. I wonder if it will be as I remember it - the regular life that is. Finally finished all assignments but still have a couple of things to tidy up this week along with packing and cleaning and and the remaining timetabled classes. Commissioning is 12 days away and looming fast. It's great being gifted with a new uniform but the tailoring is proving to be problematic and who knows what the outcome will be for the event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rahahaha... you are a funny one, Aunty Bob. I'm sure you will look dashing in your commissioning uniform, even if the buttons are crooked and the skirt is inside out - a high likelihood!